"On Human Bondage" by "Jimmy Maher and Victor Gijsbers" To say i: say "[italic type]". To say r: say "[roman type]". Part - In the car Section - Preliminaries [In the car is the first scene in the game.] Car Trouble is a scene. Car Trouble begins when play begins. [There will be a couple of things that have to be done before the PC decides to rebel. To wit: wear the tie, fasten the seat belt, put the key in the ignition, turn on the windshield wipers, turn on the radio. Once this has happened and the player starts to drive off, rebellion commences. We have a boolean to track this.] The rebellion boolean is a truth state that varies. The rebellion boolean is false. [So we also want some text to start the game.] When play begins: say "A long day at work. A traffic jam back home. Microwave dinner hurriedly shoved into your mouth. And now you're back in your car, tie still untied in your hand but otherwise ready to drive off to your evening MBA classes. Epic boredom, to be sure, but if you want to get higher up... well, you know the drill.". Section - Inventory The pinstriped navy blue suit is worn by the player. Carry out examining the pinstriped navy blue suit: say "At least you know it's better than your old black suit, since Dave never made a snide remark about [italic type]this[roman type] one. But since you've bought it you've noticed that nobody else in the company wears exactly this color." instead. Instead of taking off the pinstriped navy blue suit during Car Trouble: say "And sit here in your underwear? Anyone could glance through the window and see you!". The bunch of keys is carried by the player. Carry out examining the bunch of keys: say "House key. Car key. Office key. Key of your parents' house back in Orlando. Key you've forgotten the use of. Leather keychain featuring the corporate logo." instead. Understand "key" and "house key" and "car key" and "office key" and "keychain" and "leather" as the bunch of keys. The corporate logo is part of the bunch of keys. Instead of examining the corporate logo: say "A sleek design that seeks to inspire employees with pride and confidence.". Section - The tie The unassuming tie is carried by the player. Tying is an action applying to one thing. Understand "tie [thing]" as tying. Instead of tying: if the noun is the unassuming tie: try wearing the noun; otherwise: say "You contemplate tying [the noun] into a big and complicated knot, but decide against it.". Carry out examining the unassuming tie: say "It is a nice gray tie, one of your parents[apostrophe] very practical Christmas gifts." instead. Instead of taking off the unassuming tie during Car Trouble: if the rebellion boolean is true: say "Yes, it's your free evening, dammit! No way you'll keep wearing this strangling piece of silk a minute longer."; otherwise: say "Everyone at the MBA classes wears a tie. (Except for the women, to be sure.) You're not going to be the odd one out." Instead of wearing the unassuming tie during Car trouble: if the tie is not worn: if the rebellion boolean is false: say "Checking your progress in the rear-view mirror, you tie a simple four-in-hand knot. Now you are properly dressed."; move the unassuming tie to the player; now the unassuming tie is worn; if the rebellion boolean is true: say "Certainly not. The dress code in your car is now strictly casual."; otherwise: say "You are already wearing the tie.". Section - The location [I want a room called 'in your car'. But how on earth do you make such a room without going through the trouble of defining another room first?] Street is a room. Inside from Street is a room called In your car. The description of In your car is "You're in the front seat of your car. Everything you expect is here: dashboard, passenger seat, glove compartment, radio. Steering wheel. Rear-view mirror. Through the rain-bespattered windows you can make out your house." [Setting the starting location.] The player is in In your car. Instead of exiting when the location is In your car: if the rebellion boolean is false: say "You are not going to [italic type]walk[roman type] to your MBA classes."; otherwise: say "TO DO.". Section - Driving Driving is an action applying to nothing. Understand "drive" and "drive car" and "drive off" and "drive away" and "ride" as driving. Check driving: if the rebellion boolean is true: say "You'll be damned if you drive anywhere tonight." instead; otherwise: if the tie is not worn: say "No, wait. Keep cool. You ought to tie your tie first." instead; if the seatbelt boolean is false: say "You never drive before fastening your seatbelt." instead; if the bunch of keys is not in the ignition: say "You release the brakes and hit the pedal, but nothing happens. Cursing your absentmindedness, you realize that you haven't inserted the key into the ignition yet.". Section - Seatbelt The seatbelt boolean is a truth state that varies. The seatbelt boolean is false. [False if not worn; true if worn.] The seatbelt is in In your car. It is scenery. Understand "seat" and "belt" and "safety" as the seatbelt. Instead of examining the seatbelt: say "Currently, you are [if the seatbelt boolean is false]not [end if] wearing the seatbelt.". Understand the command "fasten" as something new. Fastening is an action applying to one thing. Understand "fasten [thing]" as fastening. Carry out fastening: say "You prefer [the noun] loose." instead. Unfastening is an action applying to one thing. Understand "unfasten [thing]" and "release [thing]" as unfastening. Carry out unfastening: say "[The noun] is as loose as it will get.". Carry out fastening the seatbelt: if the seatbelt boolean is false: if the rebellion boolean is false: now the seatbelt boolean is true; say "You stretch the seatbelt and click it into place. It may be a little uncomfortable, but it sure beats being slain birdlike by the windowpane." instead; [Nabokov, "Pale Fire".] otherwise: say "You're not going back into bondage voluntarily!" instead; otherwise: say "You are already wearing the seatbelt." instead. Instead of taking or pulling the seatbelt: if the seatbelt boolean is false: try fastening the seatbelt; otherwise: try unfastening the seatbelt. Instead of inserting the seatbelt into: try fastening the seatbelt. Carry out unfastening the seatbelt: if the seatbelt boolean is false: say "You cannot release the seatbelt when it's not fastened." instead; if the seatbelt boolean is true: if the radio number is 0: say "No time for play; you've got to get going." instead; if the radio number is 1: say "Your hand moves towards the release, but as soon as you touch it the radio screams: '[i]Please fasten your seatbelts![r]' You are powerless to go on." instead; if the radio number is 2: say "You are free!" instead. Section - Steering wheel and ignition The steering wheel is in In your car. It is scenery. The ignition is an open container. The ignition is part of the steering wheel. Check inserting something into the ignition: if the noun is not the bunch of keys: say "That won't fit." instead; otherwise: if the noun is in the ignition: say "The key is already in the ignition." instead; otherwise: move the bunch of keys to the ignition; say "You put the key in the ignition and turn it, taking care to push down the clutch as the engine starts humming." instead. Check taking the bunch of keys: if the bunch of keys is in the ignition: if the radio number is not 2: if the rebellion boolean is false: say "There's no time to fool around. Let's drive off." instead; otherwise: say "You grab the key, but before you can turn it, the radio's voice echoes through the car:[paragraph break]'[i]Don't do it. You're late already--do you want to throw your chances in life away on a momentary whim? Of course you don't.[r]'" instead. Chapter - Radio Section - Physical radio The radio number is a number that varies. The radio number is 0. [0 = off, 1 = on, 2 = killed. The game will progress through these three states.] The car radio is scenery. It is in In your car. The power button is part of the car radio. Instead of examining the radio: if the radio number is 0: say "The car radio is currently off, but could be switched on by pressing the power button."; if the radio number is 1: say "The car radio is currently on."; if the radio number is 2: say "The radio is dead and powerless.". Before switching on the car radio: if the radio number is 0: try pushing the power button instead; if the radio number is 1: say "It's already on." instead; if the radio number is 2: say "That radio will never talk again." instead. Before switching off the car radio: if the radio number is 0: say "It's already off." instead; if the radio number is 1: try pushing the power button instead; if the radio number is 2: say "That radio will never talk again." instead. Instead of pushing or pulling the power button: if the radio number is 0: if the bunch of keys is in the ignition: now the radio number is 1; say "You push the power button, turning on the radio. It immediately starts to play [a song]." instead; otherwise: say "Since you didn't put the keys in the ignition yet, pressing the power button has no effect."; if the radio number is 1: if the rebellion boolean is false: say "You can't drive without music."; otherwise: say "'[i]Don't do it. You want to hear me.[r]'[paragraph break]Yes. Of course. The radio is right."; if the radio number is 2: say "That radio will never talk again." instead. Section - Songs To say a song: let X be a random number between 1 and 16; if X is: -- 1: say "[i]Radio Free Europe[r]"; -- 2: say "[i]I Want to Break Free[r]"; -- 3: say "[i]Killing in the Name Of[r]"; -- 4: say "[i]Welcome to the Machine[r]"; -- 5: say "[i]Material Girl[r]"; -- 6: say "[i]The World is Not Enough[r]"; -- 7: say "[i]Money Money Money[r]"; -- 8: say "[i]The Glamorous Life[r]"; -- 9: say "[i]Rich Girl[r]"; -- 10: say "[i]Straight Outta Compton[r]"; -- 11: say "[i]Sexyback[r]"; -- 12: say "[i]Baby, You're a Rich Man[r]"; -- 13: say "[i](You Gotta) Fight for Your Right (to Party!)[run paragraph on][r]"; -- 14: say "[i]Dirty[r]"; -- 15: say "[i]Money (That's What I Want)[r]"; -- 16: say "[i]Candy Shop[r]"; -- otherwise: say "[i][r]". Every turn when the radio number was 1 and the radio number is 1: let X be a random number between 1 and 5; if X is 1: say "The radio [one of]starts playing[or]moves on to[or]plays[or]entertains you with[at random] [a song].". Every turn: if Street is unvisited or if Street is unvisited: say "Bla!".